Texas Limestone vs. Tumbled Stone: Choosing Exterior Stone Work In Houston

October 11, 2013

Understanding the differences between Texas Limestone and tumbled stone can be tricky and confusing, especially when you need to make a decision about the exterior look of your home. But exterior stone work in Houston is not only popular, but also a great investment with long lasting benefits. If you find yourself in a back and forth battle between limestone or tumbled, your worries are over. We’ve broken down the ins and outs of each and provided you with a list of benefits to help make the overwhelming process of decision-making a little easier.

stone exterior homes

What is Texas Limestone? 

Excavated from the ground of the Lone Star State, limestone has long been a popular choice for exterior stone work in Houston, largely because of its rustic, Texas-through-and-through appearance. The large chunks of rock are cut into rectangular blocks anywhere from 6 to 12 inches long – according to a buyer’s specifications – which gives off the chiseled texture limestone exteriors are most known for.

Why would I want it?

  • Because limestone is easily cut into rectangular blocks of different sizes, your home’s exterior will have an easily customizable, smoother look compared to similar natural stones.
  • Limestone absorbs less heat during the summer than other natural stones thanks to its lighter color.
  • The material creates a textural design that is equal parts rustic and modern.
  • Limestone exterior stone work provides many a home with an upscale, yet traditional overall style. 

Tumbled Stone exterior

What is Tumbled Stone?

For homeowners that seek a more natural, of-the-earth stone work exterior, tumbled stone is a popular choice. Piles of pre-cut stone are dropped into a mixer that tosses them around until a desired finished product is reached. You can expect to see worn edges, chipped-off areas and noticeable cracks or crevices. And while that may sound a bit scary at first, you can rest assured that your home will have a structurally compelling and visually appealing exterior.

Why would I want it?

  • Tumbled stone provides a sophisticated look similar to that of Texas Limestone, however, it offers a more artistic appearance than the latter.
  • Created from marble sandstone and limestone, tumbled stone also has a lighter pigment, which – you guessed it – retains less heat during hot temperatures. But you also have the option of warmer colors like dark browns, reds and even blackish-blue hues.
  • You may be worried that a rough-around-the-edges exterior can look a little messy or unmethodical, but tumbled stones are actually dispersed uniformly across your home’s exterior creating a polished facade.

Contemporary Stone Exterior with Taupe Replacement Windows

Which should I choose?

Texas Limestone or tumbled stone, that is the question. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preference and style. Take a look at our stone work photo gallery for inspiration and direction in determining which option is best for you.

But aside from the tough decision, it’s important to note all the benefits a stone work exterior can provide, regardless of which material you choose.

  • Appearance: Stone exteriors add a creative touch to your home. They are beautiful on their own or paired with popular materials like brick and siding, so cultivating a unique, personal touch is made simple with stone.
  • Versatility: No matter the architectural style of your home, stone comes in a variety of colors, textures and styles that can be easily selected to fit the overall look of your home.
  • Durability: Not only does stone resist damages from wind, rain, fire and other weather-related occurrences, but it also won’t fade after years of direct sunlight. That means no more painting or siding replacement. You also don’t have to worry yourself over insect damage, as you would with wood siding.
  • Environmental benefits: As mentioned before, lighter stone colors can reduce the amount of trapped heat during the summer season. Additionally, the long lasting nature of stone exteriors eliminates the need to produce new replacement materials from nature or throwing damaged materials into a landfill. 

Since you now have the resources to make an educated, thoughtful decision, it’s time to design your home’s exterior today!

Here at Best Investments we’ve been dedicated to meeting your exterior remodeling needs since 1977. Get your FREE quote today, and let us help you create the exterior stone look you’ve always dreamed of!