7 Tips To Avoiding Relationship Stress During A Home Remodel

August 7, 2013

Change is hard. This is especially true when you’re remodeling your home. There are obviously many benefits to this process — including a new and improved look for your home, increased functionality and energy efficiency — but the process can take an emotional toll on homeowners, particularly in the form of relationship stress.

Recent data shows that remodeling projects can create divisive issues for couples. In fact, 46 percent of respondents to a Houzz survey on remodeling and relationships said that going through the process with their significant other was “frustrating.” And 12 percent of respondents even said they considered a separation or divorce during the remodeling process.

While remodeling can be an important step in revitalizing a home, it shouldn’t put your relationship on the rocks. Here are some tips for remodeling your home while minimizing emotional damage.

1. Get on the same page before remodeling.

Renovations bring significant changes to your home, so if you’re not in agreement about how you want your home to look before work begins, chances are someone will be unhappy when all is said and done. If you can’t come to an agreement on what changes need to be made, don’t move forward with the project.

2. Don’t make a decision on your own.

While this might sound a lot like the first tip, it’s actually a bit different. Sometimes, one person will make the “executive decision” to move forward on a remodeling project without telling their significant other. This is usually done either out of a lack of communication or out of spite. Either way, the results can be disastrous for a relationship. Come to a joint decision instead.

3. Avoid compromises if possible.

Compromises are often the best way to settle differences. Neither side gets exactly what they want, but both find some common ground in the middle. That said, compromises on a remodeling job might lead to two unhappy people, since the final product won’t look or feel ideal to either side.  This, in turn, could lead to a residual strain on your relationship.

Instead of a strict compromise, try and come to a decision both sides agree on and are happy with. To help do this…

4. Pitch your idea to your significant other.

When you’re discussing your vision for a remodeled home with your significant other, treat that discussion like a sales presentation. Explain your reasoning behind the proposed changes to your home, and how these changes would fit into your renewed home. This practice will help each person understand their significant other’s vision for the home, even if they don’t agree entirely. It will also help determine which changes are most important for each person.

While pitching your ideas might not led you to common ground with your significant other on everything, you’re more likely to come to an agreement on the general scope of the project that both sides are happy with. If both sides are on solid ground as far as the general vision for the project, ironing out the details is less of a contentious process.

5. Don’t rush.

Home remodeling is infinitely more stressful when you’re trying to get a project finished in record time. This isn’t the Olympics and there’s no gold medal waiting for you at the finish line.

If you and your significant other don’t agree on all the details of the project, racing to get it done can be disastrous. Give yourself time to get all differences worked out.

6.Agree on a budget.

Money is often a sticking point among couples looking to remodel. Keep cash from tearing you apart by deciding on a firm budget range.

Don’t green light any renovations that go beyond this predetermined range. That way, there won’t be any bickering about how much you spent on the remodeling project after it’s done.

7. The relationship comes first.

Yes, your home is your castle, but don’t make it your dungeon. If you’re sharing a life with someone, that other person is more important to you than the home that you live in. Don’t forget about that during a home remodel. If you do, you could end up with some ugly reminders of misplaced priorities.

home remodels and relationships

Remodeling a home can be very beneficial for relationships if both people can agree on changes to the home.

All That Said…

If you and your significant do agree to move forward with a home remodeling project, the results can be mutually beneficial. Houzz says that 41 percent of people who took their survey claimed to be happier with their significant other.

If you’re planning on remodeling your Houston-area home, look no further than Best Investments Siding and Windows. We’ve remodeled thousands of homes across Southeast Texas since 1977, and we won a 2012 Pinnacle award from the Houston Better Business Bureau. For a free quote, click here or call (281) 852-1866 today.